
The website is edited by:
The EARL Domaine de l’Airial.
The company’s head office is currently located at the Domaine de l’Airial – “Au Bourda” 32330 Lagraulet du gers.
EPA Code / NAF 0121Z / Vine Culture
Siret 902 930 536 00013

Applicable law

The site and your relations with L ‘EARL Domaine de L’Airial are governed by French law.

Intellectual property rights
The content of this site, texts and visuals, and the way in which this data and information is presented on the site, are subject to copyright protection and other intellectual property rights.
All rights of the authors of the protected works reproduced and communicated on this site, are reserved. Unless authorized, any use of works other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is prohibited.

Request for permission to reproduce
Any partial or complete copy on paper or in electronic form of pages from the site must be the subject of a request for authorization from L ‘EARL Domaine de L’Airial .
Requests for permission to reproduce content should be directed to: The request should specify the content covered as well as the publication or site on which it will appear with the source.


This site is hosted by OVH (2 Kellermann Street – 59100 ROUBAIX – France) –

The EARL Domaine de L’Airial strives to ensure to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of the information published on this site, which it reserves the right to correct, at any time and without notice. , the contents.
However, EARL Domaine de L’ Airial cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or exhaustiveness of the information made available on this site.


The EARL Domaine de L’Airial declines all responsibility:
– for any interruption of the site. – for any occurrence of bugs. – for any inaccuracies or omissions relating to information available on the site. – for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion of a third party resulting in a change of information made available on the site.
And more generally from any direct and indirect damage, whatever the causes, origins, natures or consequences, including the costs that may arise as a result of the acquisition of property offered on the site, loss of profits, customers, data or any other loss of intangible property that may occur due to anyone’s access to the site or the inability to access it or the credit granted to any information directly or indirectly from The latter.

Responsibility for links to other sites

The site contains a number of hyperlinks to other websites or other Internet sources. Given that The EARL Domaine de L’Airial cannot control these sites and these external sources, The EARL Domaine de L’Airial can not be held responsible for the provision of these sites and external sources, and can not bear any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from from these sites or external sources.
In addition, EARL Domaine de L’Airial can not be held responsible for any proven or alleged damage or loss resulting from or in connection with the use or with the fact of having trusted the content, goods or services. available on these sites or external sources.

Design and production

VictorCornec Studio designed and built the site Maintenance is ascerted by VictorCornec Studio.

Photo/image credits

– Victor Cornec (9 rue Francis Martin 33000 Bordeaux)


The personal data collected by is only intended for internal use. Under no circumstances will this data be shared or sold to third parties.
You have the right to access, modify, correct and delete your data.
You can exercise this right at any time by writing your request to:
Domaine de l’Airial – “Au Bourda” 32330 Lagraulet du gers.

Copyright and copyright in the reproduction of content posted online

Request for permission to reproduce:
Any partial or complete copy on paper or in electronic form of pages or photographic, video or textual content of the site must be the subject of a request for authorization from the EARL Domaine de Airial , under penalty of exposing itself to legal proceedings by the beneficiaries.
Requests for permission to reproduce content should be directed to:

The request should specify the content covered as well as the publication or site on which it will appear with the source.


User: User logging in, using the aforementioned site.
Personal information: “information that allows, in any form, directly or not, the identification of the individuals to whom they apply” (Article 4 of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978).